Michael 84

Happy Valentine’s Day 2021

Sunday, 14th February, 2021

Valentines Day 2021 Chocolates

Happy Valentine’s Day 2021! Or as It’s called around here, Michael Day ๐Ÿ˜‚

If you’re new or have never noticed, I have always called today Michael Day. This is some crazy tradition that goes all the way back to around 2006.

For some reason back then I decided for a joke that I would call today Michael Day, which is Valentine’s Day to the normal folk. I always remember going out and buying some luxury jeans, which I then turned into a yearly tradition.

It became stale, and then I decided I would do something different, which usually involved making a meal and cooking food. Having wine, and later champagne and chocolates with a film.

Valentines Night Food

That’s kind of stuck, and that’s what I’ll be doing today. It feels weird having the 14th February on a Sunday, but it didn’t happen too long ago. The last time it was on a Sunday was 2016, and looking back that was the year I made home-made gyros. They were epic!

This year I will have chicken wraps, which I regularly eat. It’s the first ever Valentine’s we’ve had in lockdown (hopefully the last) and it’s also on a Sunday so I haven’t been motivated to get any kind of different food.

I have kept with one tradition though, Chocolate Truffles. I got myself a big box of Charbonnel et Walker Dark Sea Salt Caramel Truffles, along with some Bottega Gold prosecco. This prosecco is so nice and easy to drink. I’ve also got a variety of Lindt Lindor chocolates too.

Then later tonight it’s film time, for my ‘once a year’ watch of Valentine’s Day. It had to be done, it’s the tradition ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

I hope you have a good Valentines Day!

Michael Adams

About Michael

Michael Adams is the founder and editor of Michael 84, blogger from Newcastle, UK. Sharing men's fashion tips, style advice and lifestyle information for all guys.

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