Michael 84

Happy Socks Advent Calendar For 2018

Tuesday, 16th October, 2018

Hey guys!

So I was having a browse around a few days ago and came across this incredible advent calendar…It’s not you usual piece of chocolate a day cardboard kind of thing, it’s the Happy Socks advent calendar, with 24 pairs of socks!

I know it’s crazy to already be talking about advent calendars, it’s only half way through October, there’s 6 weeks or so until December, but when I saw this was already on sale, I had to share it.

As you’ll know from reading the blog, I love socks, and I love Happy Socks, and have so many pair, I couldn’t actually say how many I have, and I’m not going to count them. I can honestly recommend them, apart from the fact that the colours and patterns are so vibrant and cool, the quality is also really good.

Luxury types of calendars have been getting bigger and bigger every year. I’ve seen calendars costing in the hundreds, even some in the thousands for things like high end alcohol, and other high end gifts which you can get in a calendar form.

The tradition remains the same. In this Happy Socks version, you get 24 “doors” which are actually little boxes with red pull tabs, which contain a pair of socks. As with tradition, the boxes are not in numbered order, so you have to look for the correct box for the corresponding day.

This advent calendar of socks costs £149.95, and is available exclusively from John Lewis. It is expensive, but for an innovative, fun and fancy way of working your way up to Christmas Day, this is such a great idea. Christmas is always a time of socks for guys, it’s the one fashion item that probably every man will get in some form, and now you can get them every day in the run up.

24 pairs at £150 means that you’re getting the socks for around £6.25 each, rather than around £9.95 each, so it’s almost a saving of £90!

The only bad thing is you can’t really buy your own advent calendar, or can you? 😉 If you know someone who wants to get you a calendar this year, or is planning on buying you socks, you might want to let them know about this special festive item from Happy Socks.

Michael Adams

About Michael

Michael Adams is the founder and editor of Michael 84, blogger from Newcastle, UK. Sharing men's fashion tips, style advice and lifestyle information for all guys.

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