Michael 84

The New H&M Store Opening In Eldon Square Newcastle

Monday, 4th October, 2021

H&M In Newcastle Eldon Square

There’s a new shop in Eldon Square. Well it’s technically not new, at least not a new brand, it’s H&M. They have moved their store from Northumberland Street into Eldon Square.

If you’re wondering where exactly is H&M, It’s in St. Andrews Way, next to where the Apple store is.

It was the opening weekend last Saturday and they had 30% off for members, so I thought I’d have a look in since I wanted to buy a few things.

Here’s what it’s like.

Looking from the outside in, it looks quite big. The space looks really good, but once you are inside it’s not overly huge.

It’s smaller than the H&M which was in Northumberland Street, which isn’t a good thing if you’re a man. More on that in a bit.

The ground floor is for women’s clothing, with the men’s and children’s clothing upstairs. There’s a nice big and wide staircase which looks modern, and an escalator which was broken at the time.

Once you get up there, it’s not great for men’s fashion.

The men’s range is very small and limited. When you reach the top of the stairs you’re in the kids section, and the men’s part is near the back of that. This isn’t really an issue, but the size of the men’s department kind of is.

It’s so small. I would guess it’s about 25-35% of the upstairs space is men’s clothing, there isn’t much there at all.

I guess you could say there were key seasonal pieces and everyday basics, but that’s pretty much it. There were some overcoats, and a few pieces of the usual clothing you’d expect to find. Jeans, joggers, t-shirts, shirts, sweatshirts, and everything. They were all there but in limited styles. And that is the problem.

As you’ll know from reading the blog I love the Blank Staples Collection which H&M do. These are premium pieces which aren’t as cheap as the usual H&M offers, but the quality is amazing.

They’re such good value for the money, and if they were this quality with a higher end label, they’d cost a lot more. But the new H&M in Newcastle don’t stock these. There was none.

I asked the staff who told me they weren’t stocking these since there’s only so much space.

The H&M in Northumberland Street was over 3 floors, and was generally a bigger space on each floor. By comparison the new H&M in Eldon Square is only on 2 floors, and they are smaller.

So it’s pretty clear that they’re not going to have as many clothes as they used to which is disappointing.

I went as they had 30% off for members, so rather than buy online I went to the shop. But since they had no Blank Staples, I ended up with nothing.


The nice things about the new H&M as it’s more modern and feels a lot cleaner and airy with space to easily walk around. There were plenty of rails and stands with clothing on, in that respect there’s plenty in the small space.

But it’s a lot smaller than the Northumberland Street shop. If you’ve ever been overwhelmed with large stores and tons of clothes, you shouldn’t be here. As mentioned, the men’s department isn’t big enough, so doesn’t have a wide enough range of clothes.

H&M do so many clothes for men, women and kids, and it’s obvious they’re not going to be able to have everything in the shop, which is quite sad.

It was always good to check out things on the H&M website, and then if I happened to be in the town I could go and check them out and possibly buy. It doesn’t look like this will happen now, and I’ll be shopping exclusively on the website.

It’s good that Newcastle still has an H&M. A small H&M is better than no H&M. It should still be good for basics, essentials and cheap fashion, and if you happen to be in the town clothes shopping, it’s going to be worth a look.

Michael Adams

About Michael

Michael Adams is the founder and editor of Michael 84, blogger from Newcastle, UK. Sharing men's fashion tips, style advice and lifestyle information for all guys.

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